The London Picture Project from London-based travel photographer Alan Copson

Posts Tagged ‘Autumn’
Autumnal Sun
Autumnal Sun

With sun dappling the fallen leaves, this has to be the prettiest time of year in Hyde Park.

The leaves have turned
The leaves have turned

All around the parks of London, the leaves are now turning, Autumn is in full swing. I even watched one of Green Park’s self-assured squirrels dragging arm-fulls of leaves to its Winter hideaway, half way up one of the trees in the photograph.

The first leaves are turning
The first leaves are turning

I was shooting the Changing of the Guard today, but perhaps more interesting was the fact that the leaves are starting to turn in St. James’ Park. This Autumn is expected to be particularly colourful, though while there are deckchairs out, I’ll carry on fooling myself it’s summer!